It’s important to understand that a close friendship doesn’t always indicate a healthy and fulfilling relationship. In certain situations, an excessive level of closeness could actually be a sign of codependent friendship. This means that one person may become overly dependent on the other for emotional validation and support, leading to an unbalanced dynamic.
It’s crucial to recognize the signs of codependency in friendships and take steps to manage it to promote a more mutually beneficial relationship.

What is a Codependent Friendship?
Just like romantic relationships, friendships can also be unhealthy and codependent.
A codependent friendship is one where one friend is overly dependent on the other for emotional support and validation.
This often results in an unbalanced relationship where one person gives more than they receive, leading to resentment and frustration.
Codependency in friendship is more common than most people realize. In fact, many people may not even be aware that they are in a codependent friendship.
Codependency can manifest in various ways, including one friend relying on the other to fulfill all of their emotional needs, constantly seeking validation and approval, and being overly controlling or possessive.
It’s important to recognize the signs of codependency in friendship and take steps to address it for a healthier relationship.
Codependent Friendship Signs and Symptoms
Codependent friendships can be difficult to recognize, especially if the dynamic has been established over a long period of time.
Here are some codependent friendship symptoms to watch out for:
1. Neediness: One friend always requires rescuing or excusing
In a codependent friendship, one friend may always find themselves in difficult situations, either by their own doing or external circumstances.
They may rely on their friend to bail them out or make excuses for their behavior. This can put a strain on the friendship, as the other friend may become resentful of always having to “fix” the situation.
2. Fixer-Helper Dynamic: One friend consistently tries to solve the other friend’s problems
While this may initially come from a place of caring and concern, it can quickly become exhausting and lead to resentment when the friend doesn’t take responsibility for their own life and choices.
3. Emotional Exhaustion: The giver often feels drained after spending time with their friend
In a codependent friendship, one friend may always be giving emotionally, financially, or with their time, while the other friend always takes. The giver may often feel drained, exhausted, or unappreciated after spending time with their friend.
4. Shared Emotions: Emotions are shared, and one person’s distress affects the other
In a codependent friendship, emotions are shared, and if one friend is upset or stressed, the other friend feels it too. This can create a cycle of emotional distress, where both friends are constantly in a state of anxiety or depression.
5. Difficulty with Boundaries: One friend struggles to assert their opinions and make independent choices
In a codependent friendship, one friend may struggle to assert their own opinions or make individual choices without the other friend’s approval or input.
They may fear upsetting their friend or losing their emotional support, so they sacrifice their own wants and needs to maintain the friendship.
6. Jealousy
In a codependent friendship, one friend may become jealous or possessive if the other person gets close to someone else. They may feel like they are being replaced or that their friend’s emotional support is being taken away.
7. One-Sided Support: Support and help are one-sided, creating an imbalance in the friendship
In a codependent friendship, one friend may always be the recipient of support and help, while the other friend is always the provider.
This can create an imbalance in the friendship, where one friend is always giving and the other always taking, leading to feelings of resentment or exhaustion.

What to do if you find the signs of codependency in friendship?
If you have identified signs of codependency in your friendship, it can be difficult to know what steps to take to improve the situation.
Here are some tips for addressing codependency in friendship:
Identify the root cause
It’s essential to understand why codependency has developed in the first place. Perhaps one friend has a history of needing validation and support due to childhood experiences, or maybe the other friend struggles with setting boundaries.
Identifying the underlying cause can help you both work together to address the issue.
Set boundaries
It’s crucial to establish healthy boundaries in any relationship, but particularly in codependent friendships. Both friends need to be clear about what they are willing and able to give and receive in the relationship.
This may include limits on time, emotional support, or other forms of assistance.
Practice self-care
Both friends need to prioritize self-care and take responsibility for their own emotional well-being. This means learning to meet your own emotional needs and not relying solely on the other person for validation or support.
Encourage independence
Codependent friendships often involve one friend becoming overly reliant on the other for guidance and decision-making.
Encouraging independence and supporting each other’s individual choices and growth can help break this cycle and create a more balanced friendship.
Communicate openly and honestly
It’s essential to communicate openly and honestly about your feelings and needs in the friendship. This can be challenging, but it’s necessary for building a healthy and mutually satisfying relationship.
Both friends need to be willing to listen and understand each other’s perspectives.
Seek outside help
If you’re struggling to address codependency on your own, it may be helpful to seek outside help.
This could include talking to a therapist or counselor who specializes in codependency or joining a support group. Getting professional guidance can help you navigate the challenges of a codependent friendship.
Be patient and kind
Breaking the cycle of codependency in friendship takes time and effort.
It’s essential to be patient with each other and to practice kindness and compassion as you work towards a healthier relationship.

In conclusion, recognizing the signs of codependency in friendship is crucial for building healthy and fulfilling relationships.
By setting boundaries, practicing self-care, encouraging independence, and communicating openly and honestly, you can break the cycle of codependency and build a more balanced friendship.
Seeking outside help and being patient and kind with each other can also help navigate the challenges of addressing codependency in friendship.
It’s important to remember that a close friendship does not always equate to a healthy relationship.
By being aware of the signs of codependency and taking steps to address it, you can cultivate a mutually satisfying relationship that brings joy and support to both parties.
So, take the necessary steps to manage codependency in your friendships and build healthier and more fulfilling relationships that enhance your life.