9 Main Reasons For Neuropsychological Testing For Adults

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Neuropsychological testing and diagnostics have been in vogue for years now. They are an incredibly important healthcare tool and can be carried out on just about everyone. In this article, we’re going to tell you a bit about them, as well as give you an idea of when to use a test of this kind.

What is neuropsychological testing? 

Neuropsychological testing is a way to measure the cognitive skills of a person. It is used to assess the mental condition of people who have suffered from brain injury, stroke, or other neurological conditions. These types of tests are generally used to measure a person’s psychological function — those known to be linked to a particular brain structure or neural pathway. 

The data obtained from a Neuropsychological test can then be used for research as well as diagnosis. The most beneficial factor of Neuropsychological testing is that it ultimately provides a fact-based accurate diagnosis of a disorder. This is incredibly advantageous to doctors and psychologists since sometimes it is unclear, based on symptoms alone, what a patient might actually have. The examination allows for patients and doctors to better treatment methods as well as comprehend the severity of the disorder or general mental deficit. 

Neuropsychological testing can be done in different ways. The most common types of neuropsychological tests are:

  • Cognitive assessment: Tests the mental processes and abilities such as attention, memory, problem-solving, and language skills

  • Memory assessment: Tests how well someone remembers information

  • Language assessment: Tests how well someone communicates through language

  • Motor skills assessment: Tests how well someone uses their hands and feet

  • Social skills assessment: Tests how well someone interacts with others

A neuropsychological test can solve many different problems. They are used to detect brain injury, diagnose mental illness, and predict future health outcomes. A neuropsychologist plays a very important role in the care of patients with brain injury.

These types of tests are varied and can generally measure:

  • Dementia-specific metrics.

  • Executive functions — such as problem-solving, planning, selective attention, inhibitory controls, short-term memory, etc.

  • Language — speech, reading, and writing comprehension. 

  • Memory — including declarative memory and non-declarative memory.

  • Intelligence.

Tests are organized into very broad categories and are generally focused on the cognitive function they are meant to audit. 

A couple therapy session

When to use neuropsychological testing for diagnosis


Neuropsychological testing is a diagnostic tool for the brain. It can be used for the diagnosis of mental disorders and cognitive impairments.

It is necessary to take neuropsychological testing in cases where there are complaints of memory, attention, or concentration difficulties. It should also be taken in cases where an individual has experienced a brain injury or has been diagnosed with a neurological disorder. The test is also used to diagnose learning disabilities, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia-related conditions.

Let’s look at some of the instances when these types of tests should be applied.


Memory deterioration

This type of test can help doctors identify underlying conditions when it comes to memory deterioration — whether it is due to Alzheimer’s, a brain injury, depression, or normal brain changes related to getting older. 


Decrease in mental performance

It’s critical to employ one of these tests when a patient feels that their normal thinking or mental skills are decreasing. These types of tests can give doctors an idea of whether or not a person’s brain is functioning properly. 


Choosing words

Neuropsychological testing is particularly useful for cases in which a patient has problems with the choice of words in a conversation or with the formulation of their thoughts.


Difficulty concentrating

Difficulty concentrating might be a symptom of an underlying disorder or disease. These types of tests help diagnose illnesses if used alongside brain scans, EEGs, and blood tests.


Mental strengths and weaknesses 

High fatigue during mental work — in some cases neuropsychological testing can help establish if baseline mental performance has gone down. In a large number of cases, they can help diagnose stress-related issues. As well as other factors associated with over-taxing your brain. 


Strange sensation

One of the reasons for neuropsychological testing comes from uncertainty — when a patient feels unmoored. When they are simply experiencing an odd sensation — such as a heaviness or feeling of “emptiness” in the head, or overall strange sensations in the head.

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From visual-spatial difficulties – such as drawing – to confusion, neuropsychological testing is incredibly useful for people who simply start to feel awkward in performing normal activities.



Neuropsychological testing should be employed when patients manifest deterioration of vision or hearing, or delusions, or hallucinations. 


Changes in personality 

Unexplained personality changes can be symptoms of a yet undiagnosed condition — for example, complications in interpersonal relationships, professional sphere, difficulties with everyday life, difficulty managing bills or finances, and self-care.


Benefits of neuropsychological testing


Neuropsychological testing is a process of evaluating the psychological and neurological status of an individual. It can be done to help diagnose certain mental health disorders, find out how a brain injury has affected the person, or assess cognitive function.

The benefits of neuropsychological testing are numerous. These tests are often used by psychologists, neurologists, and other medical professionals to diagnose mental disorders or brain injuries. Neuropsychological tests can also be used as part of a rehabilitation plan for people who have had a head injury or stroke or for those who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.

Neuropsychological testing is beneficial because it helps doctors determine the severity of a condition and whether it will recover on its own without treatment. The test can also help them assess which treatments may be most beneficial.

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