Gender Dysphoria Treatment

One’s fundamental sense of self is referred to as their gender identity. This could be similar to or dissimilar from a person’s biological sex. Because their sex does not match their gender, some people experience uncomfortable or upsetting sensations, which are known as gender dysphoria. The goal of treating gender dysphoria treatment is not to “cure” the patient of experiencing feelings that are inconsistent with their sex and identity. Treatment may be necessary for the anguish, unease, and/or anxiety brought on by gender dysphoria.

An evaluation by a mental health professional will reveal whether the person experiences gender dysphoria-related distress and assess their physical and psychological health. This helps in identifying treatment needs with the consideration that it may change over time.

A therapy session

Who and how we help

Treatment for gender dysphoria in adults

Treatment for gender dysphoria in adults lessens distress by assisting individuals in examining their gender identity and determining the gender role that feels appropriate for them. However, because what might be effective for one person may not be effective for another, treatment is customized. Changes in gender expression and role, hormone therapy, surgery, psychotherapy, and behavioral therapy are a few possible treatment options.

After a thorough assessment and if other coexisting mental health issues exist like depression, it will be addressed as part of the treatment plan. By receiving treatment, people with gender dysphoria can learn to lead fulfilling lives with self-confidence as it gets easier to explore their gender identity.

Treatment for gender dysphoria in adolescents

When gender dysphoria emerges during adolescence, many teens go out of their way to hide their struggles with gender identity.  They are often subjected to judgment, ridicule, or rejection, from both their peers and parents. It’s essential that the teen is evaluated by a child and adolescent psychologist or psychiatrist, preferably one who specializes in treating gender dysphoria.

 To treat the distressing symptoms of gender dysphoria in teenagers, therapy frequently takes a multidisciplinary approach involving both medical and mental health practitioners. Delaying treatment can make transition more difficult as they get older. Furthermore, other mental health symptoms may start to develop as the teenager struggles to cope with the condition.

Gender dysphoria treatment steps

First, an evaluation is done to provide a diagnosis and then determine the best course of treatment. If you are experiencing gender dysphoria, access to gender-affirming healthcare is important to support the person’s wellbeing.

Primary health care providers and mental health specialists provide guidance on the timing of social transitioning, reviewing and overseeing the potential use of medical management, and connecting them with local community resources and support. Surgery, hormone therapy, and counseling to ease anxiety, depression, or other distressing emotions are explored between doctor and patient. It is also important to consider therapy for family and friends as they may need support in adjusting to changes that are helpful for everyone involved.

The benefits of psychotherapy treatment of gender dysphoria

Gender dysphoria can be upsetting, perplexing, and uncomfortable for many people. It does not lead to mental health issues, but those who experience the condition may also have despair, anxiety, or other difficulties with their mental and emotional health, frequently as a result of negative social stigma, transphobia, and damaging stereotypes. For many, outwardly expressing their actual gender helps address the sense of gender incongruence and may reduce dysphoric feelings. Those who experience distressing feelings can address them through treatment for gender dysphoria. The Good Health team understands that the success of treatment also depends on the expertise of the therapist. Our trained medical practitioners specialize in gender-related issues. This allows the therapist to effectively work with patients who are questioning their gender identity.


What doctors provide gender dysphoria treatment?

Primary care doctors frequently play an active role in the diagnosis and start of the treatment of gender dysphoria. However, a trained psychologist or psychiatrist is preferentially used to diagnose gender dysphoria.

What problems may gender dysphoria cause if not treated?

Gender dysphoria can affect many aspects of life at work and at school. This can lead to dropping out of school or resulting in the loss of a job. Depression, anxiety, relationship difficulties, self-harm, substance abuse and other problems can occur.

What is the best treatment for gender dysphoria?

The best treatment for gender dysphoria is gender-reaffirming care. Psychological support leads to self-acceptance and more confidence. Other therapies that are included for young people who meet strict criteria are hormone therapies, and adults can consider surgery

How to know if you need gender dysphoria treatment?

Intense feelings related to the following could indicate a need for treatment: you feel your  gender does not correspond to your biological sex, you are disgusted at your physique, you want hormone therapy, or surgery to change your gender.

How to prepare for my first gender dysphoria treatment session?

The first treatment appointment typically involves the therapist getting as much information as possible about the patient’s lifestyle, feelings, emotions, problems, and objectives they want to achieve through treatment.

Are gender dysphoria treatment sessions confidential?

All treatment sessions are completely confidential between doctor and patient. There are exceptions where the patient or others may be harmed, and the doctor may take steps to prevent injury or death.

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